All my friends…
When I first started this blog, the purpose was to create a space to reflect on the wonderful world of fiction. The name of the blog was inspired by my experience of reading “Half of a Yellow Sun” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This book had a transformative impact on my perspective of writing, something I had the privilage to tell the author when meeting her a few years back. Years and years after reading it, the characters have stayed with me. I have thought about the ending right before falling asleep more times than I can count. But I will leave this topic untouched so as not to spoil this must-read book for anyone who hasn’t read it yet.
However, after being overloaded with work for a long time, I found that not only my memory but also my ability to read and write had been affected. This led me to two things that have helped me rest my mind: attempting to play the ukulele (albeit not very successfully) and creating illustrations. The second of these activities is what I post here. I decided to keep the blog’s name as it suits this purpose as well. I like the imaginary aspect of characters, whether written or drawn, coming to life, even though I feel the name is a bit pretentious now.